Colt and Nic’s oldest sister is also their number one sign language instructor.
When we began teaching Colt sign language all of our children learned it, but she picked it up fast and went on to take ASL- sign language courses.
I love that my children are learning this skill not only to help with their brothers, (because they are far better than me at it) but I also hope that at some point they will be able to be a friend to someone that might otherwise feel excluded.
For those wondering, we use sign language to help with the boys communication skills. Children with Down syndrome can often have delayed speech and sign language provides a way for them to communicate in what could otherwise become a frustrating situation.
Colt has become quite verbal but still often has to follow his words with the signs so that we can understand. Nic is still working on basic signs and needs consistent practice.
We began with Baby Signing Time DVDs because we found that learning through song and dance was a VERY effective method for both boys...Are we surprised? :) Most local libraries and our Down syndrome clinic have these DVDs available or they are available online as as well as many more sources and free tools.
*** Note: I think Colt’s making the universal sign for exasperation while trying to get his Nic to stop squirming.😊