Nic’s Adoption Story **Part 8

On January 12, 2017 we walked out the doors of that orphanage where Nic spent almost the first year of his life. Not a single person was there to say goodbye, but he arrived home to be greeted with the hugs, kisses and love of cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings!

We celebrated his 1st birthday one week later. The first year of his life was spent alone in an orphanage crib, but he celebrated his 1st birthday surrounded by a mom, dad and six siblings! What a beautiful day!

All six of his siblings, including Colt, were in love with him immediately. They have all learned more about God's love and faithfulness and giving of ourselves for others through this process than any lesson book could ever teach them.

Day by day Nic’s smiles and giggles started coming easier .

He learned to cry because someone loved him and would answer his cries. One of the most eerie aspects of the orphanage is the silence. Rooms full of children but hallways so silent you could hear a pin drop as children have learned that their cries will not be comforted. .

His head shaking completely stopped within weeks of being home.

One of the hardest parts was his trauma in regards to food.  He would not stop eating when he was fed and became upset EVERY time the food was pulled away. His blood tests showed malnourishment when we arrived home and we knew that this would take time and healing. Today he has minimal food issues, but they are still lingering and we remain aware and sensitive to this trauma.

. We know that there might always be scars that we will be sensitive to, but by God’s grace, 19 Months later, Nic has been transformed by unconditional love.

What a beautiful picture we have been given of our adoption into God’s family. Chosen while we were still sinners, broken, hurting, with nothing to offer...Ransom paid by the precious blood of Christ...Made a child of God’s and transformed by His love. The scars of our old self might remain in this life, but we are forgiven and made new by our Father who loves us and hears our cries and nothing we can do will ever separate us from that love.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are...

1 John 3:1

My Treasure

Nic with his cute little belly, playing in the sand with Colt and his other siblings just melts me. 


But, I cannot tell you how many times when I am watching him in these new environments, I think about those babies left at his orphanage that we could not bring home.


I have had the privilege of becoming friends with many who have a heart for these orphans and a heart for adoption and fostering in the last few years.  They continue to adopt and foster those that many in this world consider “unlovable” or “unworthy”.  They do not do it because it’s easy, glamorous or fun.

When I read things like the quote below, I can’t help but ask myself am I doing all that I can do?  Just because we adopted Nic, doesn’t mean we can just wash our hands and be done.  No, it doesn’t mean it has to be adoption, or far off missions, but wherever it is, am I truly living the kind of life that Christ calls me to...

“You are called to go through this world as a pilgrim, a mere temporary resident, traveling light, and willing, as Christ directs, to do what the rich young ruler refused to do: give up material wealth and the security it provides and live in a way that involves you in poverty and loss of possessions.  Having your treasure in Heaven, you are not to budget for treasure on earth, nor for a high standard of living-you may well be required to forego both..

You are called to follow Christ, carrying your cross.

...your eyes must be open to see others’ needs, both spiritual and material; your heart must be ready to care for needy souls when you find them; your mind must be alert to plan out the best way to help them; and your will must be set against the trick that we are all so good at ‘passing the buck,’ going by on the other side and contracting out of situations of need where sacrificial help is called for.

"Knowing God" by J.I. Packer

But do I live it?