Colt and Nic’s oldest sister is also their number one sign language instructor.
When we began teaching Colt sign language all of our children learned it, but she picked it up fast and went on to take ASL- sign language courses.
I love that my children are learning this skill not only to help with their brothers, (because they are far better than me at it) but I also hope that at some point they will be able to be a friend to someone that might otherwise feel excluded.
For those wondering, we use sign language to help with the boys communication skills. Children with Down syndrome can often have delayed speech and sign language provides a way for them to communicate in what could otherwise become a frustrating situation.
Colt has become quite verbal but still often has to follow his words with the signs so that we can understand. Nic is still working on basic signs and needs consistent practice.
We began with Baby Signing Time DVDs because we found that learning through song and dance was a VERY effective method for both boys...Are we surprised? :) Most local libraries and our Down syndrome clinic have these DVDs available or they are available online as as well as many more sources and free tools.
*** Note: I think Colt’s making the universal sign for exasperation while trying to get his Nic to stop squirming.😊
It was on a shuttle ride at a fall carnival in elementary school that I have my first memory of meeting a little boy with Down syndrome. We had both just won the coveted cakes at the cake walk. While winning a cake was the ultimate goal of every child’s evening, the joy that this little boy showed was such that I still remember him today.
At that moment I knew that I wanted to work with children with Down syndrome “when I grew up”. Of course, when you’re around the age of ten, career plans change and I soon after decided that I would rather run a shake shack with my best friend, followed by at least 100 different career plan changes.
It might have come later than I originally planned, but I am so thankful that in God’s perfect plan, I get to do more than just “work” with children with Down syndrome but raise these two wonderfully made beautiful boys and share the joy and beauty of Down syndrome to help end old, misconceived ideas.
Thank you all for being such an amazing group of people that always celebrate Colt and Nic with us and help spread, share and learn the beauty in Down syndrome! ❤️❤️.
Nic with his cute little belly, playing in the sand with Colt and his other siblings just melts me.
But, I cannot tell you how many times when I am watching him in these new environments, I think about those babies left at his orphanage that we could not bring home.
I have had the privilege of becoming friends with many who have a heart for these orphans and a heart for adoption and fostering in the last few years. They continue to adopt and foster those that many in this world consider “unlovable” or “unworthy”. They do not do it because it’s easy, glamorous or fun.
When I read things like the quote below, I can’t help but ask myself am I doing all that I can do? Just because we adopted Nic, doesn’t mean we can just wash our hands and be done. No, it doesn’t mean it has to be adoption, or far off missions, but wherever it is, am I truly living the kind of life that Christ calls me to...
“You are called to go through this world as a pilgrim, a mere temporary resident, traveling light, and willing, as Christ directs, to do what the rich young ruler refused to do: give up material wealth and the security it provides and live in a way that involves you in poverty and loss of possessions. Having your treasure in Heaven, you are not to budget for treasure on earth, nor for a high standard of living-you may well be required to forego both..
You are called to follow Christ, carrying your cross.
...your eyes must be open to see others’ needs, both spiritual and material; your heart must be ready to care for needy souls when you find them; your mind must be alert to plan out the best way to help them; and your will must be set against the trick that we are all so good at ‘passing the buck,’ going by on the other side and contracting out of situations of need where sacrificial help is called for.
I thought our vacation plans took a turn for the worst when Colt rolled out of bed last Saturday morning with crusty, goopy eyes. Our car was packed to hit the road for a week at the beach and Pink Eye was not in the plans. As a mom to seven, I’ve unfortunately had my fair share of pink eye experience and one thing that I have learned is usually if one has it, they all will have it soon.
Sure enough, Nic also had the telltale signs of pink eye with eye goobers (I think that is the agreed upon, official name by mothers everywhere😊) when he woke up as well.
I use Homeopathic remedies whenever possible, so I quickly ran to the store to check out the homeopathic “TRP The Relief Products™ ” that I had just learned about.
pink eye
I picked up TRP “PinkEye Relief ®”. The box stated that it “temporarily relieves redness, burning sensation, watering, swelling, sensation of grittiness and overnight crusting”. Most importantly, it is non-toxic with no known side effects.
I immediately put drops in the boys’ eyes when I returned home. This did not prove as difficult as I was expecting, but I did need a helper so that I could gently pull their lower lid down to squeeze the drop into their eyes. We left on our trip and I continued to put drops in their eyes at morning upon waking, before and after nap time and at bed time.
One week later, I can report that out of my several experiences with Pink Eye, “PinkEye Relief ®” has by far been the best remedy and relief I have found. The boys’ eyes were no longer crusted over, or as I like to refer to it, glued shut with junk, when they woke up, as is the case normally for a solid week with Pink Eye. They showed minimal signs of Pink Eye because they seemingly had no irritation. This also kept them from continuously rubbing their eyes which only irritates them and aids in spreading it.
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A few Pink Eye tips from an experienced mom. Note, Pink Eye experience is not a badge I wear proudly, but I just need to point out that I am NOT a doctor, just learned these pointers from experience:
1.) WASH YOUR HANDS OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I know that one is an obvious one, but really, it is extremely contagious. I even wash my hands moving from one eye to the next.
2.) Hot compresses on the eyes are wonderful. My version of this is just washcloths soaked in warm water. Use a separate clean wash cloth on each eye every time. Seriously, this is contagious.
3.) Wash bed linens, favorite dolls and blankets and do not share or reuse towels. Have I mentioned how contagious Pink Eye is?
4.) Unless you want to be throwing out your good eye makeup, I recommend going natural around the eyes until you’re sure that YOU are in the clear. This is one mom tip that I have learned the hard way. Once your eye makeup touches your infected eye it must be trashed, or it will only spread it to the other eye and see to it that you have reoccurring Pink Eye. You don’t want that!
Thankfully, no one else in the family has caught the boys' Pink Eye, which might just be a first, but don’t think I am not inspecting everyone’s eyes upon wakeup each morning.
I noticed that TRP The Relief Products™ offers over 25 homeopathic remedies that are all made using 100% natural active ingredients that work safely and gently with your body. I intend to try more of them after my experience with “PinkEye Relief ®”. I found their web site to be a great resource of helpful tips as well.
I really hope you don’t have to use these tips anytime soon, but if you’re here, I hope you find them helpful. These are just one mom’s tips for relief and are not intended to replace your professional medical advice.
If any of this helped or you have Pink Eye tips of your own, please feel free to share!
This was an article I wrote recently for "Love What Matters" sharing our story:
14 years ago if you had said anything to me about 7 children, Down syndrome, adoption, miscarriage, and homeschool, I would have never thought that had anything to do with me or my future. I might have even prayed that some of those things would not be in my future.
I may never know the purpose of every hard or good time that I have been through, but I can look back and see how so many of them have grown me and led me to where I am today. If my life had gone according to my thoughts and plans, I would have missed out on all of this.
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
It has been almost 4 years since my husband and I together wrote the birth announcement of our 6th child, Colt, but the emotions still come flooding back every time I read it.
‘We wanted to take a minute to share an update with you on our newest member of the family, Colt. Turns out our little guy has been gifted with an extra chromosome, otherwise known as Trisomy 21 or Down syndrome…. This changes nothing for us in our mind. Psalm 139 hasn’t changed. Colt is just as fearfully and wonderfully made by our perfect Creator as our other five children so why should we feel any different? God didn’t make a mistake when Colt was being ‘intricately woven’ and ‘knitted together…’’
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
I remember crying while writing these words, not in grief, but in the realization of what a special gift we were given and just how much God was going to use our boy to impact our lives and this world.
I could have never begun to imagine just how soon and how greatly this extra special boy would change us though.
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
Colt’s smile, love, funny faces, dancing, singing, insistence on high-fiving or hugging every single person who walks by, and more, add so much joy and love to our family. But, Colt has added so much more than that to our lives.
Our love for Colt opened our eyes to our fear of discomfort, disabilities, pursuit of ease, and the safe road that keep us from the joy of living a life in a deeper trust in God and a deeper love for others.
We had never thought about adoption before but through our son’s birth, our eyes were opened to the needs of children all around the world, with a special calling to those with Down syndrome and special needs.
When we learned about Reece’s Rainbow, a ministry whose mission is to find families for orphans with Down syndrome, and read that in other parts of the world these children are viewed as outcasts with no ability to learn or be functional members of society, languishing in mental institutions, hidden away from the world in shame — our heart broke for these children. We saw their faces and pictured Colt being born into those circumstances. Our family knew we must do something.
We stared at the babies on the Reece’s Rainbow website for almost a year, saying that we will adopt ‘one day.’ Then I saw the picture of a precious baby boy. He was only a few months old, abandoned to live his life in an orphanage because he had an extra chromosome.
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
That is when we realized we would cross the ocean or give our lives for every single one of our children, and the only thing holding us back from doing the same for a child, ‘our boy’ in an orphanage in Ukraine, was fear, and God is so much bigger than any of our fears. He is powerful and faithful, and we needed to trust in Him with the details of the plans that He had laid out for our family.
Adoption was a busy and somewhat frightening process. People sometimes say we are courageous or special for adopting a baby boy with Down syndrome from across the world, but the truth is, there is really nothing special about us. We just had faith, but sadly even that was weak at times, with moments of anxiousness and thoughts of ‘what are we doing?,’ just like anyone else would. The moment we walked into the orphanage and held Nic for the first time, we knew all of those moments of fears didn’t matter. Nic was our son.
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
As the first visitors he had ever had, he cuddled into my arms with the muscle tone of a newborn baby due to the first year of his life being spent alone in the orphanage crib. He didn’t know how to make eye contact. His head shook back and forth, a habit formed as a mechanism for soothing and stimulation. He was frightened by the sound of his own giggle the first time we tickled him. But for the first time, he was shown love, and we knew he was going to learn just how loved he really was.
In January of 2017 we walked out the doors of that orphanage where he spent almost the first year of his life. Not a single person was there to say goodbye, but he arrived home to be greeted with the hugs, kisses and love of cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings!
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
We celebrated his first birthday one week later. The first year of his life was spent alone in an orphanage crib, but he celebrated his first birthday surrounded by a mom, dad and six siblings! What a beautiful day!
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
Nic has been home for 17 months and has been transformed by the power of love. Our baby that could barely lift his head, is now a happy toddler walking, laughing, singing, dancing, hugging, loving and being loved. He is doted on by his six older siblings and he and Colt are the best of friends and partners in crime. I can’t imagine life without him or where he would be now if we had succumbed to our worries and fears.
The world seeks the beautiful, perfect, or ‘normal.’ They are quick to look down on, mourn over or throw out anyone they deem different, inconvenient, less worthy or less able. And these are the very ones that God has chosen to use to free us from these worldly pursuits and teach others in ways that none of those that the world considers ‘great,’ ‘beautiful,’ ‘rich’ or ‘famous’ could ever do.
I began sharing the beauty of our boys on Instagram at ‘Downright Wonderful,’ to spread the message that Colt, Nic and every human are created exactly the way God wants them to be, unique individuals, with their own strengths, gifts and weaknesses, for His glory, fearfully and *downright* wonderfully made. I wanted to share the beauty in differences, but I never knew the joy and love that Colt and Nic would spread to so many in doing this.
Kelsi R./@downrightwonderful
We never knew we wanted a child with Down syndrome until Colt was born and we learned that what we never would have known to ask for was an amazing gift from God. We had never considered adoption, or adopting a child with Down syndrome, and now cannot imagine our life without Nic.
I am so thankful that God’s thoughts and ways are not mine and as the heavens are higher than the earth, so His ways are higher than mine, because if life had gone according to my thoughts and plans, I would have missed out on all of this.
I might still be looking at children with different abilities with a bit of sadness instead of celebrating those differences and seeing the gift in them. I might still fear a diagnosis instead of realizing what it really means to believe that God doesn’t make mistakes. I would have missed out on the smiles and laughter that Colt and Nic bring every day and never have seen just how powerful the innocent, unconditional love and joy of two little boys who happen to have an extra chromosome can be.”
All 7 of our children are completely different and unique from one another and I’m not just referring to their hair color, height and suntan lines. 😊
I bet you would never be able to guess which one has had the most medical issues, or which one has struggled the most with learning, who the natural athlete is, who the “chef” of the family is, or who the dancer is (ok you might guess that one).
A few have an extra chromosome or maybe several are missing a chromosome.
They have all hit their milestones at completely different stages. They each have their own unique personalities.
None of them are perfect but they are all wonderfully made exactly the way God intended for His work to be displayed in them.
This is Nic and Colt’s big sister who last year shortly after we brought Nic home and after hearing about his orphanage and the other children in institutions with Down syndrome, angrily asked, “Why would people not want babies with Down syndrome?! Do people not know ANYTHING about Down syndrome?!...
That's SO weird!!!" (or "weeyud" was more like what she said for those of you who know her cute little voice)😊.
I told her then that she already understands more about the value and beauty of life than many adults.
Well, today she let me know that we needed to adopt more children. Apparently we should have 20 children but if we can’t then “at least 3 more...GIRLS!...with Down syndrome”. Boys are “fine too” but she wants 6 sisters and she is “definitely adopting 20 when she’s older!”
I am going to be a very blessed Grandma one day! :)
It's no secret how much Colt and Nic are adored by their big brother.
I shared a poem that he wrote for his writing class on Instagram. Of course, as I said there, he didn't think it was good and was embarrassed to have me share it but I thought it was too amazing not to share.
We received the sweetest notes from so many people and several asked if they could have a copy of it. I thought I would post it here for anyone who would like to print their own copy, since it has been way too long since I have posted here anyway!
If I knew how I would make one of those neat little "printables" for you, but I'll let you all figure that out. :) Here it is:
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made,
A Brother's Poem
Many see special needs as a mistake outside of God’s plan,Yet scripture says in the womb God knits every man.*God did not make a mistake of any kind. He’s knit your child’s heart, soul, and mind.*Don’t worry about your family, your child’s made for them too. God knows who you are and fashioned this child for you.*He gives the strength needed to face each new day,And His grace is sufficient through challenges faced on the way.*With every child comes difficulties, sorrows and fearsThat never surpass the love and joy through the years.*God is with you he always is, And he’s pleased with your love for this child who is his.*A diagnosis cannot tell you his favorite hobby, if he will dance, paint or sing.It cannot list the unique gifts, strengths and weaknesses that he will bring.*No need to fear or be afraid,Your child is fearfully and wonderfully made.*The Bible says that all people are made in God’s image, Raising a special needs child is not a task it’s a privilege!
Written By Luke R. Age 13 Big brother to Colt and Nic, two extra special boys with Down syndrome. @DownrightWonderful
This is Colt and Nic’s 2nd oldest sister and their biggest fan, or at least she ties for biggest fan. I have shared this story about her on here before but for those who don’t know it I think it is an important one to tell.
She had just turned 6 when Colt was born and we shared the news with our children that he had Down syndrome. Not having a clue what Down syndrome was she went running out our back door, across the yard crying and shouting for all of our neighbors to hear, “He does NOT have Down syndrome!!”.
We had spoken very positively about Down syndrome to her but the name sounded scary and different and she did not want the scary unknown for her baby brother. I think that’s the way most adults respond to a “scary” diagnosis too. They don’t know anything about it other then some image they have in their mind or false information and they are scared of the unknown.
She always loved Colt immensely but it took her a little time to understand that the name “Down syndrome” did not change him. He wasn’t going to become Down syndrome. He was and is Colt and there was nothing scary or down about that.
Two years later when we discussed adopting Nic, all of our children wanted to, but the fact that this girl wanted to sacrifice anything to bring him home was all the sweeter.
My children decorate their personal desk space with their own unique hobbies and loves. Her desk is covered with pictures of Colt and Nic, and pictures of Davy on Reece’s Rainbow and other orphans with Down syndrome that my children are praying for and raising money for. Her dream is to “work in an orphanage with children with Down syndrome” as soon as she is old enough.
That moment when she ran out the back door almost 3 1/2 years ago was one of the only times I cried after Colt’s diagnosis and it had nothing to do with the diagnosis, but wanting my daughter to know that it would be OK. It was almost as if God planned it just so we could have such a vivid example of the way He works in our children through moments that might be hard for them at the time to understand but are all part of His perfect plan.
And the same is true of us adults.
My name is Kelsi. I am the mama to seven children ranging in ages from 13-1 and you might already know about my passion for sharing the beauty of my two youngest with Down syndrome if you came here by way of my Instagram page at Downrightwonderful.
When our sixth child, Colt, was diagnosed with Down syndrome shortly after his birth his little something extra was a surprise, but it was something wonderful, changing our lives and hearts forever and led us to the adoption of our seventh child, Nic, who also happens to have an extra chromosome.
We learned that Colt was gifted with an extra chromosome shortly after his birth in July 2014. We knew that our son was "fearfully and wonderfully made" in the image of God and there are no mistakes.
In Colt's birth announcement we wanted to make it known that we celebrated his Down syndrome and had just as much joy with Colt as with our five others who have all developed at their own pace, and had their own little package of health and behavior issues with the only difference being that their "package" was not given a title or cute physical traits that might define their issues into a specific group.
I could carry on about his smile, hugs, perseverance, love, funny faces, endless goodnight kisses, dancing, signing, his insistence on waving at strangers until he gets a wave back, and more, that add so much joy and love to our family. But, Colt has added so much more than that to our lives.
Our love for Colt opened our eyes to our fear of discomfort, disabilities, pursuit of ease, and the safe road that keep us from the joy of living a life in a deeper trust in God and a deeper love for others.
We had never thought about adoption before but through our son’s birth our eyes were opened to the needs of children all around the world with a special calling to those with Down syndrome and special needs.
When we learned about Reece’s Rainbow, a ministry whose mission is to find families for orphans with Down syndrome, at our first Buddy Walk and read that in other parts of the world these children are viewed as outcasts with no ability to learn or be functional members of society, languishing in mental institutions, hidden away from the world in shame, our heart broke for these children. We saw their faces and pictured Colt being born into those circumstances. Our family knew that we must do something.
We stared at the babies on the Reece’s Rainbow web site for almost a year, saying that we will adopt “one day”. Then I saw the picture of this precious baby boy from Reece's Rainbow on a friend's Instagram page. He was only a few months old, abandoned to live his life in an orphanage because he had an extra chromosome.
That is when we realized that we would cross the ocean or give our lives for every single one of our children and the only thing holding us back from doing the same for a child, "our boy", in an orphanage in Ukraine was fear and God is so much bigger then any of our fears. He is powerful and faithful and we needed to trust in Him with the details of the plans that He had laid out for our family.
Adoption was a crazy process but God did take care of every detail from the funding to the travel and every challenge that came along the way.
In January 2017, we arrived home from Ukraine with Nic. We celebrated his first birthday one week later. The first year of his life was spent alone in an orphanage crib but he celebrated his first birthday surrounded by a Mom, Dad and six siblings! What a beautiful day!
Arriving home with Nic! January 21st, 2017
Nic has been home for over 7 months now and I can't imagine life without him or if we had succumb to our worries and fears. We don't pretend it is easy but we know that our "stillwater" that God leads us beside is not always comfort and ease but wherever it is that He has us, trusting in Him through it because His plans are so much greater and deeper then we could ever imagine for ourselves.
We continue to be amazed at the way Nic blossoms every single day. His smiles come easier and little things that we take for granted with our other children, such as a giggle when something delights him, can brighten our whole week. It's amazing to watch the transforming power of love in him and also the way that he is transforming us.
The world seeks the beautiful, perfect, or “normal”. They are quick to abort, mourn over or throw out anyone they deem inconvenient, less worthy or less able. And these are the very ones that God has chosen to use to free us from these worldly pursuits and teach others in ways that none of those that the world considers "great", "beautiful", "rich" or "famous" could ever do.
I am so thankful for what these boys teach us and the love and joy that I get to experience and share because of them daily.
I hope that by sharing I can help others to see the beauty in Down syndrome but more importantly share the message that we are ALL created in the image of God, fearfully and wonderfully made, worthy of life and the sacrificial, unconditional love that God demonstrated for us.